Brands Lifestyle Recommendations Skincare

Oily/ Acne-Prone Skincare Routine

I have dry skin now but I used to be a teen a while back and did suffer from really oily skin and suffered through acne breakouts and I still suffer from allergic reactions and oily T zone and large pores. I wish back then I had a better idea or social media that told […]

Blackheads Brands K-beauty Physical Scrubs Recommendations Skincare

How to remove Blackheads?

Now we all suffer from blackheads and whiteheads, its completely normal and its something that will reoccur no matter what. The important thing is how stubborn are your blackheads and how often you need to remove them and how to maintain it. If you have mild case of blackheads then regular use of toner and […]

Brands Conditioner & Masks Hair Care Hair serums Recommendations

Dandruff: Why it is caused and how to cure it?

Dandruff is the last topic in the all about hair care series and this is a major one. Now there was a reason I kept this for last. Till you don’t understand all the levels of hair care and not understand all your concerns you won’t be able to stop dandruff if you suffer from […]

Hair Care Lifestyle Recommendations

Hair-fall: Causes, Prevention and Maintainence

In today’s world, hair fall is a common problem. But not all hair falls are the same though. Some can be treated and managed and altogether stopped and some well are more stubborn. This all depends on why your hair is falling. Till you don’t answer that question you won’t really know how to manage […]

Hair Care Hair serums Recommendations

Post Hair Wash Routine/ Styling products

Today’s post is about the post wash routine I follow. Now the steps may seem a little too much to some of you and its okay because you don’t need to follow all steps you can skip according to what you feel works for you. Also understanding the type of hair and your hair concerns […]

Hair Care Recommendations Shampoos

All About Shampoo and Hair-Washing

5 Now shampoo is something we all use no matter what because well we need to clean our hair at some point and whether it be a girl or a boy, a man or a woman we all care about hair. Being bald is not something we choose so using the right kind of shampoo […]